This past weekend saw 74 boats attempt the annual 19.6 mile circumnavigation of Cape Ann in the Blackburn Challenge. Among this fleet were 22 surfskis. Although the 2021 running of the race looked questionable at times due to COVID restrictions, the host Cape Ann Rowing Club (CARC) and the City of Gloucester ultimately settled on a scaled down Blackburn. Changes included: a lower attendance cap, a move from mid-July to early August, elimination of the post-race party, and cutting official timing. In response to that last change, Wesley Echols organized a self-timed surfski start for 8am to ensure that at least one class would be timed. As it turns out, due to Chris Chappell’s heroic efforts for CARC, every racer was in fact awarded a time.
Although the surfski field was smaller than usual and had a distinctly more local flavor, many of the best paddlers from New England and neighboring states made the trip to Gloucester. Given his recent performance at the Toms River Paddle Race, New Jersey paddler Rob Jehn started as the favorite, although locals Matt Drayer and Greg Lesher figured to make him work for a win. Other standouts included John Costello (NJ), John Hair (NY), and the tandem team of Erin & Alan Lamb (NJ). On the women’s side, local Mary Beth Gangloff was the sole solo woman paddler.
The weather was fine – a light southwest breeze of 5-10 mph with temperatures in the mid 70s – but the conditions were not favorable for a fast race. Starting at mid-tide, the field would be working against a strong current as they made their way out the Annisquam River. At roughly the halfway point, the paddlers would pass by Straitsmouth Island and out of the protective lee of Cape Ann. From there until turning around the Dog Bar Breakwater into Gloucester Harbor, they’d be working against wind and tide. These conditions would lead to the slowest winning times in more than 20 years.
At Wesley’s mark, the surfski field began their race. Rob quickly pulled into the lead, with Matt back a length or two on his tail. Behind them, paddlers jostled for drafting positions, with Greg settling on Matt’s stern, with John H and John C on Greg’s starboard and the Lambs and the double team of Ryan Bardsley & Bernie Romanowski on Greg’s port. Tim Dwyer, Tim Hacket, Wesley, Nate Day, Dan Brooks, and Todd Furstoss found various drafts in pursuit. Any semblance of order to the drafting hierarchy was soon dismantled, however, as channel markers, moored boats, sandbars, and the natural curves of the Annisquam intervened to separate the racers into smaller clusters.
A cohesive lead pack of Rob, Matt, and Greg started to separate from the rest of the field. John H, John C, and the two doubles formed a more loosely grouped chase pack, with the other paddlers starting to string out behind them. Despite sticking to the shallows close to the shore to avoid the tidal current, paddling was slow going. At the mouth of the Annisquam, the lead group enjoyed perhaps a 30 second lead over the next ski, maintaining the same Rob-Matt-Greg order established soon after the start.
Conditions on the north side of Cape Ann, from the mouth of the river to Halibut Point, were extremely mild. Out of the current and with little in the way of wind or waves, average speeds jumped by nearly a knot. A couple of miles into this leg of the race, the lead pack started to disintegrate. Greg fell off Matt’s draft and pursued a different line. Matt had remained a couple of lengths behind Rob for the whole race, but soon after started to drift further back. The two doubles broke free of John H and John C in an attempt to catch the leaders. Behind these boats, Tim D, Tim H, and Nate locked into a struggle that would last the remainder of the race.
In the stretch from Halibut Point to Straitsmouth – across the mouth of Sandy Bay – the field was treated to some unexpected help in the form of smooth waves from the north. The gaps between the leaders expanded. The double with Ryan & Bernie pulled ahead of that with Erin & Alan. Having only paddled together once before, it took some time for local Ryan and Bernie to get fully comfortable. Hitting their groove, however, they stepped up their pace and soon passed Greg.
At Straitsmouth the conditions changed dramatically, as the effects of tide, wind, and the rocky shore combined to raise a confused chop that would last for the next couple of miles. Most paddlers lost a little pace in this section, and a few also had a chance to practice their remounts. Upon reaching Milk Island, the conditions stabilized to a mild headwind and opposing tide. Rob experimented with a couple of lines as he extended his lead. Matt took a far outside line. Ryan & Bernie followed, passing Matt during this stretch. Greg and many others preferred to stay more inside, making landfall earlier. Nobody was convinced they had the best line afterwards.
During the final stretch from the Dog Bar to the finish at the Greasy Pole, paddlers had to contend with the typical boat traffic for a summer weekend, but now had the wind at their backs. Rob took the overall victory at 2:50:15, although Ryan & Bernie kept it close with a 2:52:34 finish. Matt (2:55:31) and Greg (2:58:05) closed out the sub 3 hour finishers. Erin & Alan (3:00:58) had been pursuing Greg for the last 10 miles, but couldn’t quite close the gap. With a less than a mile left, John H (3:08:18) passed John C (3:08:34) to claim the 5th single position. Tim D (3:09:40) similarly staged a come-from-behind charge to edge out Tim H (3:10:27) and Nate (3:11:01). Mary Beth (4:04:11) claimed the woman’s crown. Here are the complete results:
Name | Boat | Time |
Robert Jehn | Epic V10 2G | 2:50:15 |
Ryan Bardsley & Bernie Romanowski | Epic V8 Double | 2:52:34 |
Matt Drayer | Epic V12 2G | 2:55:31 |
Greg Lesher | Epic V10 2G | 2:58:05 |
Alan & Erin Lamb | Stellar S2EL | 3:00:58 |
John Hair | Epic V10 2G | 3:08:18 |
John Costello | Epic V10 Sport 2G | 3:08:34 |
Tim Dwyer | Epic V10 3G | 3:09:40 |
Tim Hacket | Think Evo | 3:10:27 |
Nathan Day | Epic V10 Sport | 3:11:01 |
Dan Brooks | Epic V10 Sport 2G | 3:22:00 |
Todd Furstoss | Epic V10 2G | 3:28:00 |
Josko Catipovic | Epic V10 3G | 3:33:42 |
Dana Gaines | Stellar S18S | 3:39:30 |
Ari Shestopal | Think Surfski | 3:49:30 |
Walter Crothers | Stellar S18S | 3:50:30 |
David Moore | Stellar S18S | 3:51:00 |
Jay Appleton | Epic V8 Pro | 3:51:30 |
Peter Lohse | Nelo 550 | 3:53:30 |
Mary Beth Gangloff | Epic V10 Sport 2G | 4:04:11 |
Wesley Echols | Stellar SR | DNF |
Igor Yeremeev | Think Zen | DNF |
You may also want to check out the SurfskiRacing.com series standings and more detailed race results from SurfskiAmerica.